Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Skaz One Generation RX Record Release Party

The Skaz One record release party for Generation RX is coming up on March 9th, 2012. The party is going to be at The Rendezvous Tapas Lounge at 2080 Van Ness Street in Sanfrancisco. It is being hosted by BMD Entertainment and they are selling presale tickets @ The show is 21+ so bring your fake IDs haha. It is 8 dollars at the door and the first 30 guests will receive a free copy of the new CD. To see the event on Facebook go to it should answer any other questions you have. The party is going to be crackin with performances by Btrue, The illyBoyz, Patience The Virtuous, Capo Corleone and Skaz One & Mantis. Special guest performance by Telli Prego of The Gas Mask Colony and the whole thing is being Hosted by Bay Area Legend Equipto. Come out support the underground and most of all have a poppin time at the Skaz One Official Record Release Show 2012!!!